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The past twelve months have been turbulent for China-CEE relations. China-Russia ‘No Limits’ Partnership, China’s tacit support of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Beijing’s damage control missions and Estonia and Latvia’s decisions to leave 16+1…

Parliamentary Diplomacy to Boost the Resilience of EU-Taiwan Ties

Parliamentary diplomacy has brought Taiwan closer to Europe and encouraged learning from its expertise in combatting disinformation. By exploiting the lack of Taiwan and China competence across the EU, Beijing continues to blur the line between its so-called One-China Principle and the EU’s own One-China Policy. A communication offensive on Taiwan’s relevance to the EU reinforced by parliamentary diplomacy would empower Europeans in the face of Beijing’s disinformation efforts and help keep Taiwan close.

What to Expect from China’s Kosovo Policy

While China has not been actively engaged on the issue of international recognition of Kosovo before, changes in ties with the US and EU might lead Beijing to step up its engagement, creating new dilemmas for the Kosovar authorities.

Taiwan and Central and Eastern Europe Are More Than Just Pawns in Bigger Players’ Game

Despite media narratives minimizing the agency of CEE states and Taiwan, their role in international relations should not be reduced to being merely passive receivers of bigger players’ decisions. Their historical experience dealing with Russia and China can serve as important sources of knowledge and inspiration when it comes to building resilience in the face of authoritarian powers.

Czech Republic and Taiwan Bolster Ties Amid Authoritarian Coercion

The government led by Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, who took office in December last year, has demonstrated its determination to stand up against authoritarian coercion and enhance ties with Taiwan. The consolidated ties between Prague and Taipei have become strikingly discernible against the backdrop of deteriorating ties with Beijing.