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Research Papers

The Missing Pieces? How CEE Can Contribute to a Stronger European Approach to China

This paper authored by CHOICE Research Fellows Ana Krstinovska, Alicja Bachulska and Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova seeks to answer the question of how Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries can use their experience and unique perspectives on relations with China to contribute to a more unified, competent, and self-confident European policy towards Beijing.

From Zero to Hero? Chinese Investment in Electric Vehicle Supply Chains in the Visegrád Four

Over the past decade, China has emerged as a prominent player in the global electric vehicle (EV) market. Its early recognition of the significance of electromobility for the future and government support for the sector, coupled with considerable control over the mining and processing of raw materials used in battery production, has positioned China as a key actor in the EV market. 

Following Global Trends: Polish Political Parties’ Changing Views on China

New MapInfluenCE study analyzes the positions held by Poland’s five prominent political groups on China, focusing on the parties’ views and practical steps on the issue of Sino-Russian relations post the Ukraine invasion, economic collaboration and dependencies, human rights violations, Chinese engagement in critical infrastructure and technology, as well as Poland’s political alliances within the EU and with the US.