Handbook for Stakeholders: Empty Shell No More: China’s Growing Footprint in Central and Eastern Europe
The new CHOICE (China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe) audit now comes also in the form of a handbook for stakeholders. The handbook summarizes the key takeaways from the unique audit of 17+1 undertaken by…
Empty Shell No More: China’s Growing Footprint in Central and Eastern Europe
The result of the first collaborative research project of scholars from the CHOICE network is now out! The new CHOICE (China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe) audit reveals that the People’s Republic of China has…
Berlin Muddles Through Again: Why Lack of Germany’s China Strategy Should Make CEE Countries Worried
Much talk has been in the media recently about China gaining the upper hand in the Sino-German relationship. Facing economic disruptions stemming from the coronavirus epidemic in China, it is a good time to…
Political Connectedness of Chinese Companies: A Perspective from CEE
Over the recent years, the most attention-drawing topic related to China in Europe seems to have been its inbound investment in the region. Alerted by the growing FDI inflow from China along with its…
Xi-for-Li Swap Without a Second Thought?
Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) better known in the West for his ancillary position as the president of People’s Republic of China (PRC), will replace China’s prime minister…
How China Influences Media in Central and Eastern Europe
China has successfully planted its narratives on topics like the Hong Kong protests into major news outlets across Central and Eastern Europe. The ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu believed that it is better…
Voice for CHOICE: Tamás Matura on the Impact of China-US Power Struggle on CEE
Tamás Matura is the founder of the Central and Eastern European Center for Asian Studies and works as an assistant professor of international relations at the Corvinus University of Budapest.
Views of China’s Development Model in CEE? Wrong Question
How is China’s development model perceived in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries? The question is neither arbitrary nor an academic time-killer. It is the topic of a battery of studies and a 2017…
Trojan Horses, Jilted Suitors
In recent years, Poland has been seen by some observers as a willing decoy for China as it seeks to wedge itself into Europe, and the arrest in January of a Huawei executive seemed…
Oxford-style Debate: Motivation of China in CEE
Motion: “China’s activities in Central and Eastern Europe are motivated primarily by economic goals” FOR the motion: ANDREEA LEONTE China Studies Fellow, RISAP China established the 16+1 (now 17+1, including Greece) platform seven years…
Comparative Analysis of the Approach Towards China: V4 and One Belt One Road
China’s emergence over the last two decades as one of the world’s major economies has had a transformative impact on international economic relations. Its rise as a global economic power has shifted the geographical…
Could There Be a Common China Strategy for the Region of Central and Eastern Europe?
This briefing paper summarizes the views and comments of participants of the second China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe (CHOICE) International Working Seminar held on April 11-12, 2019, in Prague, Czech Republic (click…