Setting on an East-Bound Course? Slovak Political Parties’ Views on China and Russia

The economic and security crisis triggered by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has placed even greater strain on the already fragile trust in Slovak state institutions and the nation’s pro-Western orientation. Both among the general populace and politicians, the question of Slovakia’s rightful place has once again emerged. Should the country persist on its path towards the West, make a U-turn and realign with the East, or perhaps settle as a bridge between the two?
In her study, published by CHOICE sister project MapInfluenCE, Nikoleta Nemečkayová analyzes the positions held by select Slovak political parties on Russia and China, focusing on the parties’ views and practical steps on the issue of responsibility for the war in Ukraine, isolation of Russia and sanctions, China’s stance on the war, ties with Taiwan, human rights concerns regarding China, and technological and economic dependencies.
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Setting on an East-Bound Course? Slovak Political Parties’ Views on China and Russia
September 2023
Nikoleta Nemečkayová
Written by
Nikoleta Němečkayová
NikaNemeckayovaNikoleta Nemečkayová is a Research Fellow at AMO focusing on disinformation, media freedom, and strategic communication.