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Why the EU Must Keep Talking with China about Russia 

It seems that recently, there have been growing doubts as to whether there is still a need to talk to China about Russia and their ‘no-limits’ friendship. This was noticeable during Scholz’s visit to China, whose request to Xi Jinping to put pressure on Putin to withdraw Russian troops from Ukraine was met with harsh criticism. While Scholz’s visit deserves to be scrutinized, mainly because his stance undermines the EU China agenda, including the German China strategy, his comments on Ukraine should not be assessed so negatively. Raising the Russia issue and asking China to put pressure on Putin is an important factor in the Western delicate deterrence-assurance game with Beijing. 

China Probes the Ground for Negotiations in the Russian-Ukrainian War

China has conducted a second round of shuttle diplomacy to “seek political settlement” to what it calls the “Ukrainian crisis.” Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs Li Hui visited Russia, the EU headquarters in Brussels and also Poland, Ukraine, Germany, and France, trying to gauge the outlook of a negotiated settlement – one that would favor Russia.

Workshop: How to Secure Elections from Foreign Interference?

Foreign interference in democratic processes has become a growing concern in recent years. Malign foreign state and non-state actors employ intricate strategies to manipulate elections including financial incentives, information manipulation, and cyber interventions. In the…