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Tracking China’s Visits to EU Countries

This database shows visits of China’s political representatives, specifically the president, members of the State Council and National People’s Congress, special representatives and members of high-level CPC institutions to EU countries from 2019 to…

Tracking Taiwanese Visits to EU Countries

This database shows visits of Taiwanese political representatives (governmental and parliamentary) to EU member states from 2016 to 2023. This interactive visualization allows to filter the information according to your needs. Filter the data…

Beijing Seeks a Gateway to Europe via Budapest

Beijing’s main interest in strengthening relations with Budapest is not about Hungary itself but about Europe as a whole. A friendly EU member means opportunities to shape EU-China economic and political relations more in the CCP’s favor. The long list of strategic sectors in which the two sides signed cooperation agreements during Xi’s Budapest visit should be a concern for other EU and NATO states.

The Missing Pieces? How CEE Can Contribute to a Stronger European Approach to China

This paper authored by CHOICE Research Fellows Ana Krstinovska, Alicja Bachulska and Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova seeks to answer the question of how Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries can use their experience and unique perspectives on relations with China to contribute to a more unified, competent, and self-confident European policy towards Beijing.