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Voice for CHOICE #21: Lessons for Taiwan from the War in Ukraine with Tetsuo Kotani

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, many have tried to draw a parallel between Ukraine and Taiwan. While it is true that both countries are threatened by a great power in their immediate neighborhood, there are stark differences between their geographic positions as well as the larger geopolitical context. Despite significant differences between the two countries, there are a few lessons that can be learned from the conflict for the Taiwanese. Heightened tensions between China and Taiwan also have profound implications for Japan’s security environment and influence Sino-Japanese relations. Finally, the developments in the Taiwan Strait coupled with Sino-Russian partnership without limits also present an opportunity to explore new avenues for Japan-Europe security cooperation.

This month’s guest:

  • Tetsuo Kotani, Professor, Meikai University and Senior Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), Japan

Show notes

Written by

Kara Němečková


Kara Němečková is the PR Manager of CHOICE at the Association for International Affairs (AMO).