Why Berlin Must Handle its Economic Dependency on China
This article is part of a series of articles authored by young, aspiring China scholars under the Future CHOICE initiative. Germany’s economic vulnerability with regard to China is growing at the same moment that Russia’s…
Can the EU Really Re-engage with China?
After a difficult year, Brussels appears to be attempting to mend fences with China and reestablish a dialogue. Since September, the key word in Brussels has been “re-engage”. What re-engage means and how it…
Germany’s China Policy is Set for a Rethink After the Elections
This article is part of an exclusive new series from CHOICE focusing on China as a topic in elections across Central and Eastern Europe. Germany under Angela Merkel has attempted to navigate a “middle…
As the Merkel Era Comes to a Close, Germany Reconsiders its China Policy
The long ‘reign’ of German Chancellor Angela Merkel will finally end in September. Along with her succession, a political shift for the European powerhouse is most certainly underway. Looking back at 16 years under…