Voice for CHOICE #45: Indo-Pacific Series: North Korea with Niklas Swanström

North Korean regime has increasingly benefited from deepening cooperation with Russia, a development not fully welcomed by its traditional ally, China. North Korea has supplied the Russian Federation with munitions and other military equipment in exchange for food, raw materials, and components for weapons manufacturing. This growing partnership enables North Korea to circumvent international sanctions, sustain its regime, and bolster its military capabilities, further complicating regional and global security dynamics.
This month’s guest
- Dr. Niklas Swanström, Director of the Institute for Security and Development Policy
Show notes
Written by
Johanna Mylonaki
johy_mylonakiJohanna Mylonaki is a Communications Manager of China projects. Previously, she worked at the communications team of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and the Foreign Affairs Department at the Rectorate of Charles University. She also has experience from the Czech expatriate associations in Greece and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic where she focused on economic and science diplomacy. She holds a master's degree in political theory and modern Greek philology from Charles University, where she is currently finishing her second master in Balkan and Central European studies.