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Chinese Puzzles – Putin’s Long War in Ukraine

This article was originally published at China Foresight, LSE IDEAS, and is republished here as part of a partnership between CHOICE and China Foresight. Ukrainian military successes in the second half of 2022 have not only precipitated…


The past twelve months have been turbulent for China-CEE relations. China-Russia ‘No Limits’ Partnership, China’s tacit support of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Beijing’s damage control missions and Estonia and Latvia’s decisions to leave 16+1…

How Russian Disinformation Troubles Sino-Polish Ties

Ties between Warsaw and Beijing are going through a rocky period, impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. China’s unwillingness to curb the spread of Russian disinformation about Poland within China runs contrary to Beijing’s quest of “telling China’s story well,” underling its failure to take Poland’s fundamental security concerns seriously.