Chinese Stakes in European Ports: Geopolitical Threat or Mere Business Venture?
Chinese investments in European ports have sparked fears and a debate over the obligations of business to deal with matters of national security. Understanding the economic and political importance of ports, and the actors involved in Chinese investments, can help to evaluate their economic and political impacts in a way that is strategically minded but does not shut the door for business.
End of an Era in Czech-Chinese Relations as Czechs Vote for a New President
The China-friendly Czech President Miloš Zeman will soon be out of office, spelling the end of the Czech courting of Beijing over the previous decade.
Reaching the New Levels of Sino-Serbian Relations
While China’s presence in Central and Eastern Europe has been affected by the crisis of the erstwhile “17+1” format after the withdrawal of the Baltic countries, Beijing still has committed partners in the region.
More of the Same for Hungary’s China Policy?
This article is part of a series of articles authored by young, aspiring China scholars under the Future CHOICE initiative. On April 3, Hungarians went to the polls to vote in one of the country’s…
War in Ukraine Brings Belgrade Closer to Beijing
This article is part of an exclusive new series from CHOICE focusing on China as a topic in elections across Central and Eastern Europe. Russian aggression in Ukraine is not only a defining moment…
Climate Engagement with China: A Litmus Test for Germany’s G7 Presidency
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is shaking up the very foundations of the international system, making crucial multilateral and plurilateral fora such as the G20 nonfunctional in tackling continuing fundamental crises, including climate change.…
Voice for CHOICE #15: The Polish Perspective on Sino-Russian Relations with Alicja Bachulska
On the sidelines of the Beijing Olympics, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping met for the 38th time, issuing a joint statement that may well become a major milestone in bilateral ties. The…
Why Berlin Must Handle its Economic Dependency on China
This article is part of a series of articles authored by young, aspiring China scholars under the Future CHOICE initiative. Germany’s economic vulnerability with regard to China is growing at the same moment that Russia’s…
Beijing Could Learn Valuable Lessons from Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is forcing China into a complicated and often clumsy diplomatic dance. China has tried to appear neutral in the conflict, for example, by abstaining in key votes on condemning the…
The Belt and Road: Bigger than Infrastructure
A problem of definition is hampering discussions about China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to a greater extent than currently appreciated. Thus far, 148 countries have signed up to the BRI, from Asia to…
Sino-Slovenian Relations Off to a Rocky Start in 2022
This article is part of both our Election Monitor series focusing on China as a topic in elections across Central and Eastern Europe as well as a series of articles authored by young, aspiring…
Belarus’ Burgeoning Ties with Russia and China
Increasing pressure from Western countries may leave the Lukashenko regime no choice but to embrace a two-pronged strategy. These prongs include deepening defense cooperation with Russia and bolstering economic ties with China. While the…