China’s Sticks and Carrots in Central Europe: The Logic and Power of Chinese Influence
A new comparative study of the MapInfluenCE project has revealed that China has been using a targeted mix of ‘carrots’ and ‘sticks’ to increase its influence in Central European countries. Findings reveal that China does…
The New Budapest-Belgrade Railway Line: A White Elephant on the New Silk Road
The rise of China as a global economic power is increasingly seen as a threat to American and European interests. According to Washington, China is disrupting global trade by demanding to be treated like…
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
With the help of Chinese loans, Hungary plans to upgrade a 160-kilometer railway line from the capital of Budapest south to the Serbian border at a cost of 2.89 billion dollars. Basic questions about…
Comparative Analysis of the Approach Towards China: V4 and One Belt One Road
China’s emergence over the last two decades as one of the world’s major economies has had a transformative impact on international economic relations. Its rise as a global economic power has shifted the geographical…
Images of China in Czech and Hungarian Parliaments
The policy paper represents the first and so far only study of the Czech and Hungarian parliamentary discourses on China of this complexity, depth, and historical scale, covering the period from 1993 (and 1990, respectively)…
The Misguided Discourse on Chinese Influence in Central Europe
Relations of CEE countries with China are often a subject to controversy. Tamas Matura, Hungarian expert on China, sees little justification for criticism from Western EU members. He warns that applying double standards threatens to…