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The Missing Pieces? How CEE Can Contribute to a Stronger European Approach to China

This paper authored by CHOICE Research Fellows Ana Krstinovska, Alicja Bachulska and Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova seeks to answer the question of how Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries can use their experience and unique perspectives on relations with China to contribute to a more unified, competent, and self-confident European policy towards Beijing.

A Big Amount of Nothing: Looking into Czech Participation in the 14+1

The Czech Republic is in the process of revising its policy towards China under the reign of a center-right government. As the country is still a part of the 14+1 format, the issue of continued participation in the platform is naturally part of the review. In spite of that, no (public) assessment of Czech participation in the platform since its inception in 2012 has been conducted. Did the Czech Republic gain anything at all from its engagement with China under this format?

Taiwan and Central and Eastern Europe Are More Than Just Pawns in Bigger Players’ Game

Despite media narratives minimizing the agency of CEE states and Taiwan, their role in international relations should not be reduced to being merely passive receivers of bigger players’ decisions. Their historical experience dealing with Russia and China can serve as important sources of knowledge and inspiration when it comes to building resilience in the face of authoritarian powers.