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Voice for CHOICE #5: Surveying Sino-Baltic Relations with Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova

Podcast una 01 (1)
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As the 17+1 virtual summit approaches, Voice for CHOICE analyzes the role of the Baltic nations and their role in the EU-China dialogue, the role that remains for Russia in influencing the region’s actions on this front, and the strong Transatlantic links that undergird the nation’s security and often its policy stances.

Of course, the region itself is home to diverse populations with varying stances on China issues and their own complex relationships with Beijing. Therefore, a closer look at the shades of gray that color Sino-Baltic relations will surely be addressed. Make the right CHOICE and tune in!

This month’s show features analysis from:

  • Dr. Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova: Head of Riga Stradins University China Studies Centre and Head of the Asia program at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs.

Show Notes:

This podcast is hosted by Kevin Curran

Written by

Kevin Curran


Kevin Curran worked as a Project Assistant at the Association for International Affairs (AMO). Previously, he was a Fulbright Scholar at Charles University, a visiting fellow at the International Sustainable Finance Centre, and a journalist for major US financial publications. His research interests include semiconductors, Central European media systems, and international capital market regulation.