Voice for CHOICE #46: EV and Critical Raw Material Supply Chains with Dominika Remžová

Amidst the broader geopolitical tensions, the EU-China relations have seen significant changes. De-risking, economic security and strategic autonomy are at the forefront of such changes, with electric vehicle and raw material supply chains driving the EU’s concerns. As the EU continues down the de-risking path, we discuss the anti-subsidy probe into made-in-China electric vehicles and the Critical Raw Materials Act, with a special focus on their implications for the CEE region.
This month’s guest
- Dominika Remžová, China Analyst at Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Show notes
Written by
Dominika Urhová
DUrhovaDominika Urhová is a China Analyst at AMO, specializing in China's foreign policy, Cross-Strait relations and China's influence in the Middle East and the Western Balkans. In the past, she contributed to the Middle East Policy Journal and to the research outputs of the Observer Research Foundation. Dominika holds a Master's degree in Security Studies and Diplomacy from Tel Aviv University and a Bachelor's degree in Development Studies with a concentration in Economic Development from Lund University in Sweden.