“Zooming” in on EU’s Cyber Sovereignty Efforts
The new European Commission vowed to make Europe “fit for the digital age” one of its priorities. Speaking in front of the European Parliament in her inauguration speech, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen…
Proposed EU Criteria for New Members Show Wary Europe Has China on Its Mind
The communications of the European Commission rarely receive international media attention, even on days when they do not have to compete with a possible pandemic and the impeachment drama of an American president. It has to be admitted…
The EU’s Shield
With the surge of Chinese investments into sensitive sectors of the economy, some EU states have moved to enact investment screening mechanisms to manage the risks.
Estonia in the Middle of Europe’s China Debate
The appearance of China on the world stage has heated up emotions in national and transnational power corridors as well as created headlines in media and vigorous debates in public space. Recently, even in…
The EU Needs to Face China’s Threat to Academic Freedom
In general, academic exchanges are usually not framed within the concept of state security – neither external, nor internal. Quite the contrary, they are associated with establishing platforms of communication, enhancing people-to-people contacts and…
Event Summary: Who Is Afraid of Investment Screening? International Impact of the New Czech Regulation
December 10, 2019, Prague
Offsetting External Influence in the Balkans: Recommendations for the EU
The failure to open accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia has again shifted focus on the question of the EU’s credibility in the Western Balkans. The EU’s lack of leadership in the region…
Comparing China’s and EU’s Artificial Intelligence Strategies
Today, the global economy stands in front of the next stage of socio-technological development. The Fourth Industrial Revolution’s emphasis on the inter-connectivity between the physical, digital and biological worlds engages the most disruptive technologies…
The EU Badly Needs to Raise its Game on China
An effective EU China policy requires a critical mass of policy makers and practitioners who have studied China, its history, its political system and its language. We need them urgently. We cannot count on…
Could There Be a Common China Strategy for the Region of Central and Eastern Europe?
This briefing paper summarizes the views and comments of participants of the second China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe (CHOICE) International Working Seminar held on April 11-12, 2019, in Prague, Czech Republic (click…
Only a United EU Can Stand Up to Beijing
The EU now has a common strategy towards China following the March European Council approval of the joint EEAS/Commission strategy paper of the same month advocating a more robust approach towards China. Many were…