The Curious Timing of the Chinese Loan to Belarus
On the 16th of December, The Belarusian Finance Ministry and the executive of Shanghai branch of the China Development Bank signed an agreement that granted Belarus a loan of 3.5 billion RMB (approx. 500…
Perception of China Among V4 Political Elites
This policy paper by CEIAS (SK as a coordinating institution), Association for International Affairs (CZ), Central, Eastern European Center of Asian Studies (HU), and Center for International Relations (PL) aims to explore the perception…
What’s in Store for China’s Economy in 2020?
In stark contrast to the fanfare that marked the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic on October 1, 2019, China is wading into troubled waters as we head into 2020.
The EU Needs to Face China’s Threat to Academic Freedom
In general, academic exchanges are usually not framed within the concept of state security – neither external, nor internal. Quite the contrary, they are associated with establishing platforms of communication, enhancing people-to-people contacts and…
Event Summary: Who Is Afraid of Investment Screening? International Impact of the New Czech Regulation
December 10, 2019, Prague
Offsetting External Influence in the Balkans: Recommendations for the EU
The failure to open accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia has again shifted focus on the question of the EU’s credibility in the Western Balkans. The EU’s lack of leadership in the region…
How China Influences Media in Central and Eastern Europe
China has successfully planted its narratives on topics like the Hong Kong protests into major news outlets across Central and Eastern Europe. The ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu believed that it is better…
Xi’s Visit to Greece: Four Questions Waiting To Be Answered
President Xi’s state visit to Greece on 10-12 November 2019 attracted massive interest at a time Beijing is at loggerheads with Washington. The extensive media coverage in Greece and China alike was mostly triumphalist,…
Securing the Sino-Serbian Partnership
If enthusiasm on both sides is any indication, the increasing defence relationship between China and Serbia can be expected the grow even closer in the future. In recent years Sino-Serbian ties have by some accounts flourished…
The Czech-Chinese Centre of Influence: How Chinese Embassy in Prague Secretly Funded Activities at the Top Czech University
Czech investigative reporters uncovered a troubling evidence of China’s influence inside Czech academia. The case revolves around the Czech-Chinese Centre at the prestigious Charles University in Prague. In September, the Centre hosted its 4th…
Not Really Probing the East: Romania’s Position on Chinese Investments
Romania has maintained a very cautious—and reluctant—position in dealing with Beijing, even before China’s recent heightened tensions with the United States rose to prominence on the global scene.
Comparing China’s and EU’s Artificial Intelligence Strategies
Today, the global economy stands in front of the next stage of socio-technological development. The Fourth Industrial Revolution’s emphasis on the inter-connectivity between the physical, digital and biological worlds engages the most disruptive technologies…