Learn the Rules to Master the Game: Chinese Infrastructure Investments in the Balkans
With activities ranging from hastily assembled initiatives to holistic market assessments, Chinese companies are getting their foot in the door to the Balkans-with clear intentions of leaving a lasting footprint in the region’s infrastructure…
China Fails to Deliver on its Promises in Belarus
For over a decade, Belarus has seen China as a strategic opportunity for its foreign policy. Unsurprisingly, China is largely perceived as an economic opportunity for the Eastern European country. Sino-Belarusian economic cooperation mainly…
In Serbia, the Chinese Trojan Horse Tactic Works – For Now
Speaking in July 2018, then European Commissioner for Enlargement Johannes Hanh referred to Balkan countries that were the recipients of Chinese infrastructure financing, like Serbia and Montenegro, as China’s potential Trojan horses among future…
China’s Environmental Footprint in Southeast Europe
In 2009, China’s leadership of a group of developing nations that opposed ambitious commitments to fight climate change led to the failure of the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Copenhagen. Just over…
Webinar: China’s Sticks and Carrots in Central Europe
The authors of the comprehensive MapInfluenCE study on China’s diplomacy towards the V4 countries in a comparative perspective got together for an online discussion, debating the results of the research as well as the recent developments…
Voice for CHOICE: Filip Šebok on CCP-led Party Diplomacy in CEE
Filip Šebok is a China Research Fellow at the Association for International Affairs (AMO), Prague, Czech Republic.
How China is Buying Influence in Europe
As the novel coronavirus ravages national economies and people’s lives, leaving businesses and countries struggling for years, the European Union has issued a warning, requesting the Member States “to be vigilant and use all…
Limited Welcome: Protecting the Media from Hostile Foreign Influence
A new policy paper by Ivana Karásková and Matej Šimalčík deals with the issue of protecting media from hostile foreign influence. Authors argue that media needs to be seen as a strategic industry. Especially during crises,…
One China under media heaven: How Beijing hones its skills in information operations
Ivana Karásková, the Founder and Leader of CHOICE, wrote an analysis for the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats on China‘s information operations in CEE. Traditionally, China’s influence toolbox has contained a mixture…
The EU’s Emerging Toolbox to Level the Playing Field with China
On June 17, 2020, the European Commission published a White Paper on foreign subsidies in the EU. The measures proposed aim to level the playing field by putting forward new legal tools to deal…
Handbook for Stakeholders: China’s Sticks and Carrots in Central Europe
The unique study of China‘s employment of ‘sticks’ and ‘carrots’ in its outreach towards Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary is now also available in the form of a shortened handbook for stakeholders. The handbook presents…
China’s Sticks and Carrots in Central Europe: The Logic and Power of Chinese Influence
A new comparative study of the MapInfluenCE project has revealed that China has been using a targeted mix of ‘carrots’ and ‘sticks’ to increase its influence in Central European countries. Findings reveal that China does…