CHOICE Analysts Offer CEE Perspectives on China-Russia Ties
Indicative of the importance of our network at this juncture, three of our analysts across Czechia, Latvia, and Slovakia made appearances on the ChinaTalk podcast to discuss topics that are understandably top of mind…
Beijing Could Learn Valuable Lessons from Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is forcing China into a complicated and often clumsy diplomatic dance. China has tried to appear neutral in the conflict, for example, by abstaining in key votes on condemning the…
The Belt and Road: Bigger than Infrastructure
A problem of definition is hampering discussions about China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to a greater extent than currently appreciated. Thus far, 148 countries have signed up to the BRI, from Asia to…
Reading into China’s Reaction to Russian Aggression in Ukraine
Given the rapid escalation of Russian aggression against Ukraine and the largely opaque statements offered by typically noncommital Chinese diplomats, CHOICE assembled a group of experts on both nations to opine on the action…
China’s Aid in the Western Balkans: Supporting Development, Undermining Good Governance
In a brand new CHOICE paper, China’s development assistance to all the countries that make up the Western Balkans is put under the microscope. The new study by Ana Krstinovska analyzes the Chinese economic…
Sino-Slovenian Relations Off to a Rocky Start in 2022
This article is part of both our Election Monitor series focusing on China as a topic in elections across Central and Eastern Europe as well as a series of articles authored by young, aspiring…
Amid Ukraine Tensions, Moscow and Beijing Grow Closer
On the sidelines of the Beijing Olympics, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping met for the 38th time, issuing a joint statement that may well become a major milestone in bilateral…
China Challenge Shapes Europe’s Changing Approach to the Indo-Pacific
For the first time ever, the foreign ministers of the EU-27 will meet 30 of their Indo-Pacific counterparts at a high-level forum in Paris on February 22. This “27+30” event is likely to focus…
Voice for CHOICE #14: Eyes on the Beijing Olympics with Malin Oud
While purported to be an apolitical showcase of athletics, free from the troubles of the present geopolitical climate, the Beijing Olympics appear to be off to an inauspicious start even before the opening ceremony. …
The French EU Presidency Must Be More Ambitious with China Agenda
During the last informal meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers in Brest in mid-January, “China’s attitude towards certain Member States of the Union which are experiencing great political, economic and commercial pressure” featured on…
Crises and Consequences Along the BRI’s Northern Corridor
This article is part of a series of articles authored by young, aspiring China scholars under the Future CHOICE initiative. Learn more about the program and a currently OPEN call for articles here. A growing…