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Voice for CHOICE #2: Talking US China Policy and the Role of Europe with Robert Daly

Podcast robert daly 03 (1)

The contentious election in the United States, set to be decided on November 3, holds wide-ranging ramifications not only for the US population, but indeed the world.

Of particular note in the election of either Joseph Biden or the incumbent Donald Trump is the path of the United States’ policy alignment towards China. However, this extends further than simply the United States.

Pertinently, it extends to Europe, which has become a battleground between the US and China on energy policy and 5G networks, among other issues.

To parse the plethora of issues that hang in the balance, CHOICE sat down with Robert Daly, Director of the Wilson Center’s Kissinger Institute on China and the United States.

“Most Chinese actions in recent years, under Xi Jinping, have been so blatantly self interested that it has been harder and harder to work with China, but [US strategy alignment] is still in play,” Daly told CHOICE. “I think the presidential election won’t change the nature of this problem, but it might change the style in which [the US] deals with China. Style counts.”

Listen below for the full conversation.

Written by

Kevin Curran


Kevin Curran worked as a Project Assistant at the Association for International Affairs (AMO). Previously, he was a Fulbright Scholar at Charles University, a visiting fellow at the International Sustainable Finance Centre, and a journalist for major US financial publications. His research interests include semiconductors, Central European media systems, and international capital market regulation.