How Did China Become the Largest Investor in Serbia?
In recent years, the relationship between Serbia and China has experienced a remarkable upswing, marked by the intensification of economic and political cooperation between the two nations. Often characterized as a “steel friendship,” this…
A Big Amount of Nothing: Looking into Czech Participation in the 14+1
The Czech Republic is in the process of revising its policy towards China under the reign of a center-right government. As the country is still a part of the 14+1 format, the issue of continued participation in the platform is naturally part of the review. In spite of that, no (public) assessment of Czech participation in the platform since its inception in 2012 has been conducted. Did the Czech Republic gain anything at all from its engagement with China under this format?
Conference on China’s Involvement in the Raw Materials Industries in the Western Balkans
In June, CHOICE presented a new study on China’s role in the extractive and raw materials industries in the Western Balkans at the conference at the European Parliament co-hosted by MEPs Viola Von Cramon…
In or Out of the 14+1 Format, Romania’s Short-lived Romance with China is Over
Bucharest has abandoned the erstwhile drive to improve relations with China due to shifting geopolitical alignments and unmet economic expectations, with the bilateral ties now on auto-pilot.
Italy and the BRI: A Love Story That Never Started
To renew, or not to renew, that is the question.
Amid Heated European China Debate, Hungary Stays on a Beijing-friendly Course
While the EU-China relations are at a crossroads, Hungary’s relationship with the Middle Kingdom seems to be blooming. In the last few years, Budapest has signed a number of massive investment deals with Beijing, earning it the label of China’s European foothold. Although the economic results have sometimes come under question, the political consequences are undeniable.
The European Foreign Subsidies Regulation: Effective Means of Protecting Strategic Infrastructure or an Investment Impediment?
The European policy discourse is shifting away from economic openness to emphasizing security concerns in the context of Chinese stakes in strategic infrastructure. The European Foreign Subsidies Regulation is another piece of the puzzle that could change the balance of power between the EU institutions and national governments. While the mechanism promises to bring a more cohesive handling of Chinese bids for public contracts and M&A transactions buttressed by subsidies, it could also spark tensions within the EU.
Voice for CHOICE #25: Taking Stock of Czech-Taiwan Ties with Alice Rezková
Building up on the previous parliamentary delegations to the island, the speaker of the Czech Parliament’s lower house, Markéta Pekarová Adamová, is arriving in Taiwan tomorrow. Despite protests from the Chinese embassy in Prague,…
Straightening out China-Iran Ties
Despite Raisi’s historic visit to China, bilateral ties will continue facing serious challenges. Beijing will remain highly pragmatic toward the Islamic Republic and Middle East at large, avoiding picking sides.
Amid Sunny Rhetoric, China Restricts Investment in Belarus
While Minsk places high expectations on China to replace the closed Western commodity and financial markets, and access to technologies, Beijing is reluctant to extend a helping hand due to strained relations between Belarus and the West.