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Is the EU Finally Headed Towards a Ban on Huawei?

While many countries in the Western world have decisively banned Chinese telecom equipment company Huawei from their 5G networks due to national security concerns, the EU has lacked the consensus for such a policy, in part due to Huawei’s and China’s strong relationships within the bloc. However, recent announcements from Germany, the biggest holdout, and top EU brass suggest that momentum within the EU is growing for a ban on Huawei.

Open RAN – Not Solving the “5G China Challenge”

The high market share of Chinese technology giant Huawei in 5G infrastructure has made observers hope that a technological disaggregation of 5G’s Radio Access Network (RAN) could solve geopolitical challenges posed by China. While technologically promising, this approach, known as Open RAN, neither reduces reliance on China nor necessarily offers a higher degree of network security.

Can European AML Laws Reveal Who Owns Huawei?

To improve the transparency of Chinese companies, the EU needs to change how it approaches beneficial ownership registration under the block’s Anti Money Laundering (AML) rules. A large part of the discussions surrounding security…

Huawei in Central and Eastern Europe: Trends and Forecast

CHOICE’s latest exclusive report from a team of regional experts across Czechia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia summarizes the ongoing debates on Huawei’s involvement in each of their respective nations, thus formulating…

Trojan Horses, Jilted Suitors

In recent years, Poland has been seen by some observers as a willing decoy for China as it seeks to wedge itself into Europe, and the arrest in January of a Huawei executive seemed…