Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Expert Perspectives on Key Challenges

The Indo-Pacific region holds significant importance for Europeans, including those in Central and Eastern Europe, due to its vital role in global trade, economic stability, and geopolitical balance. As a major hub of economic activity, the Indo-Pacific connects Europe with key markets, influencing everything from supply chains to energy security. For Central and Eastern Europe, which rely heavily on global trade routes, any disruption in this region could have cascading effects on their economies.
Moreover, the Indo-Pacific is a strategic area where the balance of power between major global players is continuously tested, and any instability here could lead to broader conflicts that threaten global peace. Preserving peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific is not just a regional concern; it is essential for maintaining the rules-based international order that underpins global prosperity and security, which directly impacts Europe’s economic interests and political stability. Thus, a peaceful Indo-Pacific is crucial for the entire world, including Europe, to ensure continued economic growth and to prevent the escalation of conflicts that could have far-reaching consequences.
CHOICE has dedicated substantial attention to the geopolitical dynamics of the Indo-Pacific, recognizing its growing significance for Europe, including Central and Eastern European countries. This focus has been reflected in a series of in-depth podcasts that analyze the strategic importance of the region, exploring the implications of its developments for European security and economic interests.
Additionally, CHOICE devoted the entire theme of its most recent Future CHOICE summer school to the Indo-Pacific, where experts and participants engaged in rigorous discussions on the challenges the region presents. The summer school provided a platform for young leaders and professionals from across Europe to deepen their understanding of the Indo-Pacific’s role in global affairs and to explore how Europe, particularly Central and Eastern Europe, can actively contribute to maintaining peace and stability in the region.
The upcoming video features experts from Europe, Asia, and the United States who delve into the major challenges facing the Indo-Pacific region. By highlighting the complexities of navigating the Indo-Pacific’s strategic environment, the video underscores the importance of international collaboration in addressing these challenges.
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CHOICE is a multinational consortium of experts providing informed analysis on the rising influence of the People’s Republic of China within the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
Johanna Mylonaki
johy_mylonakiJohanna Mylonaki is a Communications Manager of China projects. Previously, she worked at the communications team of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and the Foreign Affairs Department at the Rectorate of Charles University. She also has experience from the Czech expatriate associations in Greece and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic where she focused on economic and science diplomacy. She holds a master's degree in political theory and modern Greek philology from Charles University, where she is currently finishing her second master in Balkan and Central European studies.