Mentoring session: Research Partnerships and Funding

This session offered a unique opportunity to discuss research partnerships and funding schemes with Dr. Nana de Graaff, Chair of the “China In Europe Research Network”, known as CHERN. This project predominantly focuses on deepening knowledge on China, enabling interdisciplinary and cross-regional cooperation, and fostering capabilities of junior researchers. This online event shed more light on the strategies to build long-term partnerships with other researchers and organizations, and how to subsequently manage a network of partners during a research project. Furthermore, this session was aimed at providing tips regarding short-research stays and applying for funding, including different funding schemes that are available for early career researchers.
The session was moderated by Veronika Blablová from the Association for International Affairs (AMO), the Project Coordinator of the Future CHOICE initiative.
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CHOICE is a multinational consortium of experts providing informed analysis on the rising influence of the People’s Republic of China within the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).