Call for Articles

Aiming at amplifying the voices of a new generation of China experts across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) , Future CHOICE initiative provides unique publication opportunities to aspiring China scholars. In our first year of operation, the new, youth-focused program brought about a series of mentoring sessions as well as articles from young scholars on our platform
A sampling of the articles published under the auspices of “Future CHOICE” is available here.
Based upon the interest generated by the initiative, we are once again launching a call for articles on our platform!
Should you Submit?
Are you a graduate or postgraduate student or a young professional from Central and Eastern Europe interested in the study of politics, economy and society of China or China’s relations with Europe?
Are you interested in gaining valuable experience with the whole editorial process of publishing an article on a widely-read and highly specialized website?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, don’t hesitate to submit your latest work to CHOICE, the Central and Eastern European region’s premier consortium of China-focused experts!
We can offer you the opportunity to reach a wide audience of analysts and policymakers around the globe shaping the constantly evolving debate on China and tap into the resources of our platform for your future professional growth.
Please submit engaging articles with a maximum of 1,000 words on topics dealing with the Chinese presence in Europe or relations between China and European countries, with a special focus on CEE.
We will be accepting articles on a rolling basis.
Before submitting your piece to, please carefully read our style guide for authors. Articles that do not follow the basic guidelines will not be considered.
To learn more about the Future CHOICE initiative and its other opportunities, click here.