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Careful or Careless? Debating Chinese Investment and 5G Technology in Central Europe

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China is no longer a complete newcomer in Central Europe and it has become a fixture of national debates in all the V4 states in recent years. The MapInfluenCE project has previously undertaken a first-of-a-kind research on China’s image in Central European media landscape. Now, in a brand-new study, the international team of analysts has zoomed in on the two issues that have colored the debates on China’s presence in the region in recent years — Chinese foreign direct investment and the issue of involvement of Chinese vendors in 5G build-up.

What are the main features of the media coverage in Czechia, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia on these issues? Who are the main agenda setters? Are the discussions mainly influenced by domestic developments or international trends? What do the results tell us about the changing perception of China?

Read the full paper from MapInfluenCE here and tune into the event replay below to find the answers to all these questions and more.

A live-tweet recap of the event with key quotations from each of the experts is also available here.

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CHOICE is a multinational consortium of experts providing informed analysis on the rising influence of the People’s Republic of China within the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).