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Information for authors

The working model for CHOICE is network-based – we facilitate contact, serve as a primary source of information in English on China’s activities in the CEE countries and create synergies to support future projects. CHOICE online platform disseminates op-eds, papers, and other outputs of China experts from CEE but also outside the region. We also publish our own podcasts and have a separate section for CHOICE cartoons. Our mission is to promote the voice of China scholars from the region of Central and Eastern Europe and help in connecting them with other China-studying institutions, research bodies, and individuals.

We accept articles for publication on various topics of China-CEE and China-EU relations. We might also consider contributions on other topics related to Chinese foreign policy, if relevant. Our articles are usually 1200 words long and use references in hyperlinks. If you are interested in publishing with us, contact Dominika Remžová at dominika.remzova (at) with your pitch.